Tuesday, June 22, 2021

My Instincts Work Just Fine

It's 5:30 pm, I'm sitting in the restaurant, Just Afang, savouring the serene ocean view. A lone boat catches my attention. I look at it and watch the young boy paddle the boat on both sides with a steady rhythm. I think, "What if the paddle falls into the ocean? I guess he trusts his abilities, he trusts the paddle and the ocean. He must have witnessed storms, and turbulence, yet, he is trusting that the ocean will lead him right.

My mind goes to the word, DISTRUST. I've been given enough reasons to be distrustful. I've lost gold wrapped in foil because I trusted the 'glittering gold' I saw as being exactly what it projected. But in the face of losing something great, I got something better, self-satisfying; I got me, I got to see me, to notice me. 

So, It doesn't matter the breadth of life's ocean, its depth, I'll paddle my life because I trust myself, I trust my instincts, and I trust God.

1 comment:

Crafting Killer Transactional Writing: Unleash Your Inner Author, Mate!

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