Monday, June 13, 2022
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Mother Earth cries out
She hears the shrill cry of her kids like the terrifying shriek of the puma in the wild
She never slumbers
She sees the design of the vicious;
She hears the distressing wail of the victims
And receives the blood of the innocent
She bids her time to raise a fuss
Sending floods and quakes meandering through her lanes in a snake-like ritual
She groans and grates her teeth
Like a mother, she pulls her wards from danger
But mortals reject her voice
And thus, We are at war!
Monday, August 2, 2021
Crafting Killer Transactional Writing: Unleash Your Inner Author, Mate!
Alright, listen up, you wonderful lot! Transactional writing might sound like something dull your teacher drones on about while you're d...

INTRODUCTION Writing a statement of purpose for college admission is an exciting opportunity to showcase your unique personality and academ...
Since the Covid epidemic began, a lot of job seekers have sought remote jobs. Adverts for different professions are all over the place. Whe...