Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Revenge is quite tasteful. When cooked, it's called delicious. Like your rice, it can get soggy when overcooked; you find yourself with a poorly cooked meal that may result in grave consequences. So cook your revenge in a little pot filled with the right amount of spice, and not over-brewed so that you don't end up regretting your decision to be vengeful.

Saturday, August 14, 2021


If I knew the address of happiness,

My body and soul would sail with me to its residence

I'd sit on its porch and beckon to it

I'd ask for my share of glee

Never would I leave without a nucleus of happiness in my cells

But I know not where it dwells.

Friday, August 6, 2021


Since the Covid epidemic began, a lot of job seekers have sought remote jobs. Adverts for different professions are all over the place. When applying for a teaching job, especially a remote one, you might be asked to make a short introduction video. It could seem quite daunting, especially, if you are not acquainted with such. It is not difficult. You do not have to be an orator to achieve this. You are not expected to create a script of 1000 words. The length of the video will depend on the number of words. The video is usually between 2 - 5mins, so 200 - 300 words would do. Remember to smile while shooting the video. Don’t be too serious. You do not need to memorise the script. It is supposed to guide you and streamline your script.


Here are a few tips to guide you in writing the script.

Introduce yourself. You could begin with a greeting, your name, and what you do.

- Talk about your interests. Do not exaggerate or lie to make yourself look good. Your interest could be nature, photography, volunteer work, travel, tutoring etc. 

Explain why you love teaching.

What students should expect to get from your class.

- Convince the students or listener to choose you. 


Take a look at the example below.


Good day, my name is Sean. I reside in Lagos, Nigeria. I am a graduate of English Education. I teach language arts, and I have been a teacher for over six years. I have experience teaching students in elementary, middle and, high school. I enjoy reading novels and comics. Although I have access to many eBooks, I prefer to get the hard copy, especially the hardcover, which is usually more expensive than the paperback.

As an English Language teacher, I teach grammar, reading and comprehension, spelling and research skills, writing and its mechanics, and speech work. I love teaching because it gives me a chance to see how kids see the world. Through language arts and reading lessons, I can share the knowledge I have with students. Teaching is not tiresome. Every class, every class is different despite the routine. I create a conducive atmosphere where students can relate with me comfortably. I love to hear their feedback and questions, and I go out of my way to address their concerns.

I had an autistic pupil in my class for a year. It gave me great satisfaction to see him comprehend what was taught, interact with his peers and, become less dependent. 

I constantly learn from students because learning never stops. Join me on this learning journey. You will be glad to have me as your teacher. Thank you.


Take note of the following: 


Remember to shoot the video in a bright environment. 

Ensure that the camera is stable.

Your background should not be dull but it should not be so colourful that it distracts the listener from you.

Kindly like, comment and share. Criticisms, observations and suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 When my friends go through stuff (ups and downs), and I mean, my friends, they come to me; I am their safe space. They tell me how they feel, we cry, we deflate the pain they go through and, try to fix the problem together. 


When I go through stuff, I get to go through it alone. I say nothing to no one because I need to remain the 'safe space.' I do not want my friends to think that I am no longer that 'safe space,' because I have no idea how they will cope. I am not the best of humans, but I am a good listener, I feel empathy, and I try my best not to judge. I have read so many novels that no life occurrence feels new to me. But I hurt when my friends hurt, I sob when they sob, and I feel good when things get sorted out. I may not take my problems to them but, it gives me satisfaction to know that I can be there for my friends.


When it comes to me, I feel happy knowing that I can help out. Is it difficult for me to heal when I go through stuff? Oh yes! It is a difficult, and slow healing process. But is it worth it? Every single moment is worth it.  I feel like I am the sounding board for my friends and knowing that they can come to me at any time is more than enough payment for me.


I know that my friends and I will be okay in the end because God has got them, and God has got me. 


Crafting Killer Transactional Writing: Unleash Your Inner Author, Mate!

Alright, listen up, you wonderful lot! Transactional writing might sound like something dull your teacher drones on about while you're d...