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Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Statement of Purpose (Personal Essay)


Writing a statement of purpose for college admission is an exciting opportunity to showcase your unique personality and academic achievements. It is a chance to demonstrate to the admissions committee why you are the perfect fit for their college and why they should accept you; a great way to showcase your unique personality and academic achievements and to demonstrate to the admissions committee why you are the perfect fit for their college. It is an important part of the college application process.


A statement of purpose for college admission is an essay that outlines your academic and personal goals, as well as why you are applying to a particular college. It is a great opportunity to highlight your strengths and explain why you are an ideal candidate for the college. It is also an opportunity to explain any challenges you may have faced in the past and how you have overcome them.

Writing a statement of purpose for college admission can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! With a little bit of preparation and planning, you can craft a compelling statement that will make you stand out from the competition.


The first step in writing your statement of purpose is to think about why you are applying to the college or university you are interested in. What do you hope to gain from attending this institution? What are your academic and career goals? What do you bring to the table that will make you an asset to the school? These are all important questions to consider when writing your statement of purpose.

Once you have a clear idea of why you are applying, you can begin to craft your statement of purpose. Start by introducing yourself and your background. Explain why you are interested in the college or university, and why you think you would be a great fit. Then, discuss your academic and career goals, and how attending this school will help you achieve them. Finally, conclude your statement of purpose by expressing your enthusiasm for the school and expressing your gratitude for being considered for admission.


Overall, writing a statement of purpose for college admission can be a challenging task, but with a little bit of preparation and planning, you can create a compelling statement that will make you stand out from the competition. With careful thought, you can create a statement of purpose that will help you stand out from the crowd and get accepted into the college of your dreams.


I. Introduction 

a. Definition of a Statement of Purpose 

b. Explanation of why it is important

II. Preparations before Writing 

a. Research the college you are applying to. 
b. Highlight what makes you stand out.
c. Identify the skills required by the college.

III. Important Components 

a. Introduce the essay.
b. Talk about your academic background.
c. State your goals and how attending this college will help you to reach them.
d. Show your unique and interesting aspects.
e. State how you can contribute to the college.

IV. Writing Tips 

a. Keep it concise.
b. Stick to the word limits.
c. Stay away from clichΓ©s. 
d. Use formal language; do not use contractions.
e. Proofread your work. 

V. Conclusion 

a. Summarise important points. 

Here is a sample SOP.

After graduating from the university, you are expected to register for the mandatory one-year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)  in Nigeria. My primary place of assignment (PPA) was a school as a Biology Teacher.  Reluctantly, I took the position as I had no say in the posting. The first week as a teacher was challenging and overwhelming. All I wanted was to change my PPA, but all attempts failed woefully, and I am so glad it did. I was posted to a school in a rural environment; I saw the disparity between the educational system in rural and urban settings. These kids lacked qualified teachers, laboratories, and even a library. My heart tugged painfully, and that was the moment I began to nurse the idea of being a teacher.

I have been a teacher in the elementary school for over eight years; I have been involved in remote and onsite teaching of pupils, and foreign students.  Effective teaching in the 21st century requires different teaching styles, and the use of technology. In the face of the Covid pandemic, I have come to realize the efficacy of learning means like Google Classrooms, Zoom, and Microsoft office. As a teacher, I have had the opportunity of meeting pupils with diverse learning abilities and speeds, and this has exposed me to different learning experiences. Recently, I had the privilege of tutoring a kid with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Each day came with new challenges and experiences. One of the most rewarding moments for me was when my parents and I began to see noticeable improvement. I have never been so proud of myself as an educator. 

I enrolled in a  Montessori Methodology course and obtained a Diploma in Montessori Methodology 9-12. As a teacher, I have realized that every child acquires knowledge at his/her own pace. Managing these unique learning differences to ensure maximum academic, and social development in a child is the reason why I want to immerse myself in the teaching profession. I can shape young minds morally and psychologically to produce brilliant minds. I know that it will require a great deal of commitment and hard work to achieve my objectives as a teacher. I have the drive and passion for this, and I am ready to delve into zeal.

Enrolling in the Master in Education program at this University will expose me to the roles I have to play in bridging the learning gap between learners in rural and urban environments. It will be the vehicle that will convey me to my destination, which is, to be, a caring, passionate, patient, and awesome teacher.

For help with writing your SOP, kindly send a mail to


Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Don't look like what I've been through 

Don't show where I've been

Don't display my sweat

Don't look pale in the Harmattan season making me look like a cadaver 

Don't shine weirdly after a day under the hot sun like Mama Kumi's akara

Don't wrinkle when I'm old and frail

Finally, don't ask me what I need you to look like!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 When my friends go through stuff (ups and downs), and I mean, my friends, they come to me; I am their safe space. They tell me how they feel, we cry, we deflate the pain they go through and, try to fix the problem together. 


When I go through stuff, I get to go through it alone. I say nothing to no one because I need to remain the 'safe space.' I do not want my friends to think that I am no longer that 'safe space,' because I have no idea how they will cope. I am not the best of humans, but I am a good listener, I feel empathy, and I try my best not to judge. I have read so many novels that no life occurrence feels new to me. But I hurt when my friends hurt, I sob when they sob, and I feel good when things get sorted out. I may not take my problems to them but, it gives me satisfaction to know that I can be there for my friends.


When it comes to me, I feel happy knowing that I can help out. Is it difficult for me to heal when I go through stuff? Oh yes! It is a difficult, and slow healing process. But is it worth it? Every single moment is worth it.  I feel like I am the sounding board for my friends and knowing that they can come to me at any time is more than enough payment for me.


I know that my friends and I will be okay in the end because God has got them, and God has got me. 


Crafting Killer Transactional Writing: Unleash Your Inner Author, Mate!

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